
John F Kennedy Biography Essay

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John F. Kennedy, with a familiar nickname of Bobby, was born on November 20, 1925 in a town called Brookline which lies in Massachusetts. Kennedy had a total of 9 siblings with him being the 7th born to the parents of Rose and Joseph P. Kennedy. Kennedy was born into an rich environment with his father being a rich business man and his mother being the mayors daughter.
Among Kennedy’s siblings was his famous brother who would become the president of the United States John F. Kennedy. Kennedy spent most of his childhood bouncing between his family homes in places like Florida, New York, and Massachusetts so he never had a stable home. Kennedy’s father soon after became a U.S ambassador to Britain and they later moved to
England. They eventually …show more content…

After his death, Kennedy resigned as Attorney General and eventually ran for the United States senate in New York. His opponent who was a Republican named Kenneth Keating, thought Kennedy to be a carpetbagger. Throughout their scuffles and words and badgering Kennedy still won the election by 719,000 votes. As New York senator, he initiated a lot of things including helping unprivileged children with disabilities and a project to also help the people in Brooklyn who struggled to make a living. Kennedy States "There are children in the Mississippi Delta," he said, "whose bellies are swollen with hunger... Many of them cannot go to school because they have no clothes or shoes. These conditions are not confined to rural Mississippi. They exist in dark tenements in Washington, DC, within sight of the Capitol, in Harlem, in South Side Chicago, in Watts. There are children in each of these areas who have never been to school, never seen a doctor or a dentist. There are children who have never heard conversation in their homes, never read or even seen a

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