
John Locke: The Most Influential Sources In Drafting The Constitution

Decent Essays

This paper will address the most influential sources in drafting the Constitution. It will demonstrate the influences of a philosopher, a historical document, and a historical event in the Constitution. The most influential philosopher that will be referenced is John Locke and his ideology along with his writing called Two Treatises of Government. The English Bill of Rights will then be associated with the US Constitution and its influential pieces. Lastly the Articles of Confederation will be referenced and how the Founding Fathers looked to the past to prepare for the future. Overall pieces that were used from these three sources will be explained and shown how they inspired parts of the US Constitution.
Important Contributions to the US …show more content…

John Locke identified how and what a legitimate government should consist of. In his writings he talks about power, whom ever has executive power should use it for the common good and any law they create must be known by the people. He believed that the people should have the power (Popular Sovereignty) and that the ruler should gain authority through the consent of the governed. When Locke states, “to the people; who have a right to resume their original liberty, and by the establishment of a new legislative, provide for their own safety and security…” (Locke, 1690, p.1) he is saying what he believes the duty of the government should be, in this case it is to protect the natural rights of the people while also allowing them to have freedom as well. John Locke also wrote that if the government, “shall transgress this fundamental rule of society, and either by ambition, fear, folly, or corruption” that the citizens would have the right to overthrow that government. This idea deeply influenced Thomas Jefferson as he drafted the Declaration of Independence. Throughout history John Locke’s philosophies were very influential and his political opinions helped draft much of the U.S …show more content…

The Articles of Confederation gave powers that resided heavily with the states and in turn created a weak central government, that was The Articles of Confederations down fall. Although there are two major strengths that helped inspire the US Constitution they are, Article Three and Article Six. Article Three states, “The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defense, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other…” (“Articles of Confederation, 1777”) as it continues, it states their alliance to help each other against any attack made upon them on account of their freedom of religion, sovereignty and trade. Popular Sovereignty is the main idea of Article Three and it plays a big role it todays government and US Constitution. Article Six states, “No state without the Consent of the united states in congress assembled, shall send any embassy to, or receive any embassy from, or enter into any conference, agreement, or alliance or treaty with any King, prince or state...” (“Articles of Confederation, 1777”) This article prevents the states from entering any alliances independently and doesn’t allow any vessels of war to be kept up in times of peace. In turn, this helped strengthen the nation and allowed each state to have its own militia. The two principles that

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