
John Locke's Two Treaties Of Government

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The Enlightenment was a very eye-opening period of time because people learned for themselves, explored for themselves, and thought outside of the norm. There were many philosophers known well today for their thinking during the Enlightenment era. The first philosopher was John Locke. He is very known for his beliefs in the government and natural rights. In his book, "Two Treaties of Government," he questioned the government, how their formed, and what justified them. He also explained how he believed humans lived in a state of equality and freedom before society was organized. He felt people did not get much say in things and they couldn't protect themselves from government. He believed in rule of law and individual rights. He went on to make a contract between the government and the people. …show more content…

His beliefs, best known by its French name, "laissez-faire," claimed the economic system shouldn't be based in government control, but individual decision-making. His book, "The Wealth of Nations," argued that the government had only 3 roles: protecting society, keeping public works, such as roads or canals, that individuals couldn't afford; and defending the people from injustice. He believed if the government let individuals persue their own interest, society would gain from it. In his book, he also says the people are "...led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention...", referring "and invisible hand" to the government leading individuals to places they had no intentions of being in. Smith was later too become known as the "Father of Modern

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