
John Muir Research Paper

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John Muir is a Scottish-born American farmer, traveler, writer, and advocator. He was born on April 21, 1838, in Dunbar, Scotland and died on December 24, 1914, in Los Angeles, California (Britannica, Introduction). He is recognized as one of the most influent modern humanist and naturalist of the history of the United States. Even if he is known and acknowledged by many, this historical peace seeker deserves more credit. He is not recognized enough for all of his positive contributions to the United States’ environment. He played a major role in the protection of nature. Analyzing his accomplishments will strongly help to grant him the credit he really deserves and help to associate him better with his realizations. What were John Muir’s contributions …show more content…

John Muir advocated for the preservation of forests and natural lands in the United States by fighting syndicates (Britannica, Role in Conservation and Preservation). He was also politically active in the magazines, in the newspapers and always expressed his opinion on this subject. Muir strongly opposed the destruction and the commercialization of nature. The famous naturalist always advocated in favor of the development of conservation policies by the American government He was also a central figure in the debate over land use in the US. His preservative ideas grew in influence. He managed to turn the Congress and the population’s opinion in favor of the principles he defended (Britannica, Role in Conservation and Preservation). In 1876, he started urging the federal government to adopt real conservative policies (Britannica, Role in Conservation and Preservation). His hard work paid off and he succeeded to influence Theodore Roosevelt, the president of the United States from 1901 to 1909 (Well London, 18th min.), to adopt a real national Conservation program that would take charge of preserving America’s wilderness by putting national parks under federal protection (Well London, 19th min.). This program, created in 1906, was called the American Antiquities Act (Well London, 20th min.). It had two really positive consequences on the preservation of the environment. It …show more content…

In 1906, he was named the first president of a newly formed group called the Sierra Club. He also was one of its creators. John Muir saw the Sierra Club as ‘’the crystallization of his dreams and the labor of a lifetime’’ (Fox 107). In other words, for him, being the president of this organization was finally the voice he needed for his sayings to really have impacts on the society. For once, his ideas could have big impacts on the global population’s behavior. Muir’s main role in the Sierra Club was to write important letters and mobilize the groups (Fox 114). His hard work with this organization was quickly rewarded. Only a couple of months after its creation, the club was composed of 175 members and already had a real influence on the government policies in the United States (Fox 107). In the beginning, the Sierra Club concentrated its work on the creation of national parks and on mountaineering matters (Fox 160). After a while, the Sierra Club was also recognized for its promotion of a responsible use of the ecosystem, a sustainable use of the planet’s resources and a better education of the population in the subject of protecting and restoring nature (Worster 466). It was and still is, engaged in an eternal fight. The Sierra Club is considered as one of the first grassroots organization related to the environment in the world and it is still an

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