
John Titor Research Paper

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John Titor claimed that he came from 2036, a time traveler. He also claimed that he saw Teresa Teng and Elvis Presley’s concert. During the year between 2000 and 2001 he posted the pictures about his time travel and many ambiguity predictions online according to the overview from his era in 2036. John tutor’s identity is still a mystery but his posts are leading conjectures and refutations to the people over the internet.
On November 02, 2000 John Titor declares he is an American solider from the future. He got an order from the headquarter one day. His mission is to take the time machine to go back to 1975 for an imb antiquated PC then bring it back to 2036 to fix the computer bugs and system programs. In addition, he also use the time machine to go back to the year 2000 to visits his parents and the baby version of himself. He was born in 1998. …show more content…

Many people including me believe John Titor is real, because of his theory has clearly explained how he could time travel using the time machine. He described that the time machine is about the size of a suitcase, 500 pounds and stay in inside of the car. It could makes two little black holes to create the parallel universe for him to measures which period of time he is going to travel to. On Fall 2001 CERN, An organization for nuclear research had release a new claim it is possible to make little black

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