
John Waters Use Of Taboos In Cult Film

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Taboo as defined the dictionary is: “banned on grounds of morality or taste.” Taboo topics in cult film are often dealt with in an excessive manner. These taboos can include ideas about sex, family, and gender roles among others. They showcase these taboos in an excess manner. The following films have not only discussions of taboo subjects but depict taboo acts. The films Eraserhead and Pink Flamingos feature excess and the liberal discussion of taboos. Eraserhead represents a taboo of traditional family life. The way in which everyone treats the ‘baby’ is a taboo against the traditional family views of the time. The film appears to want you to be appalled by the actions of Henry towards the ‘baby’. Traditionally there would be the husband …show more content…

John Waters intends to break almost every possible taboo in this film. “Waters’s creatures were a ménage of corpulent transvestites, blue-haired flashers, egg-sucking hags, and chicken fucking adolescents,” they write in “John Waters Presents The Filthiest People Alive” from Midnight Movies of the characters in the film (137). This statement alone, about the characters, is enough to know this film has crossed some lines. There is excess in the amount of taboos presented in this film including bestiality, incest, cannibalism, and rape among many others. Some social taboos broken are worse than others. While Divine holds the title of ‘filthiest person alive’ it is her family that allows her to reach that title. It is more so her son, Cracker that does or is involved in the worse taboo actions. His act of bestiality with his chickens is much worse than Divine smuggling raw meat between her legs or running a jogger off the road. Her most taboo act would be the incestuous act of fellating her son, second to that being her murder of the Marble couple. The Marble couple on the other hand are predators. Between their kidnapping of girls in order to impregnate them and sell their babies and his flashing of his genitals to unsuspecting girls on the street, these two at first glance seem to be worse and more vile than Divine and her

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