“So, he wouldn’t recognize shoes, or even if he did, he wouldn’t necessarily know how to tie them?” Joanne asked in amazement.
“You have to remember, he grew up in the 1950’s. It may have been quite common where he grew up,” Karl said.
Shaking her head, Joanne couldn’t believe her ears.
If that is the case, I wonder what else Johnny has never heard of or knows about, she wondered. Does he even know about the things we take for granted today?
Roy must have been thinking along those same lines, as he voiced out loud, “We really have got to figure out what it was like for him growing up. I mean, we have no clue what is normal for him and things we think nothing of might overwhelm him.”
“That’s why I’m here,” Dr. Druthers said. “Hopefully, we can help Johnny feel more at ease in a foreign world with people who he doesn’t know. As I’ve said before, it wouldn’t be easy.”
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Laughing along with Joe, Karl said, “Whatever bond it is, I’m glad it’s there. It’s also there with you too Joanne, although not as strong. Just keep being there for him. When he’s awake, tell him about yourselves, about your kids, family, life, anything and everything you can think of. He may not remember it the next day and you likely will have to repeat it again, but that’s okay. Ask him questions, but if he doesn’t answer, just move on. I think if you guys do that, it will help him out.”
“Thanks,” Roy and Jo answered together.
“Do you two have any questions?” Dr. Early asked, seeing that Karl was finished.
“No, I don’t think so,” Jo said slowly as she looked at her husband.
“No, thank you guys, this has helped a lot,” Roy acknowledged.
“You’re welcome,” Joe said. “I’ll follow you back to Johnny’s room. I’d like to check on him myself.”
“Same here,” Karl agreed.
With that, the four of them made their way to John’s cubicle to find him still resting
When Johnny grew up he moved to earth. When he moved to earth, he went to North America,
On page 11, it says, “He had a nervous, suspicious look in his eyes, and that beating he got from the Socs didn't help matters.” (S.E.Hinton) This explains that Johnny knew when something bad was going to happen to him because he had already been beaten up before and he was still very fragile from it. On page 22, its states, “Johnny was always nervous around strangers.” (S.E.Hinton) This means that everyone could tell that he was nervous around people because he would act different and he would also act shy,the gang could tell to but they knew that was how he always had
This caused Johnny to be severely depressed all the time, and made his life more miserable than it already
Johnny himself was basically protecting the universe and in doing so lost his mind. Even when he is returned to a reset Earth with his “sanity” he is still shown to be crazy through one of his first thoughts being to cut off a cheerleaders legs. The overall events that occurred left an irreversible scar on his psyche and he continues to act as before for a while until the behavior steadily dwindles until he is ready to try to repress these psychotic
Johnny was like a brother
him into staying but Johnny had already made his mind up. When Johnny got home he seen
“Yeah, I’ve seen a number of their graves in the cemetery.” I admitted as I looked up at the crow that was now back circling in the sky above us. “I guess a lot of kids have died around here, huh? But, you can’t blame that on a girl who lived close to three hundred years ago. Places got hit by diseases all the time back then, dysentery, cholera, measles, mumps, small pox, bad water, stuff like that. Things back then weren’t like they are today.”
I think that Johnny in the book would never want to socialize with anyone he didn’t have
Those big,black eyes of Johnny’s always seemed to glow with anxiety and terror. The constant resentment that came from his parent’s broke him badly, yet he was understanding when it came to us and our problems no matter how petty the situation was. Never criticizing us or telling us to “deal with it”, as he had to live with something much worse at home. He had a kindhearted spirit
You have a roof over your head, a family to take care of. “I have no family.” How would you feel if your idol left you to die, that’s how Johnny will feel. Who will you go to? “I’ll go someplace no one can find me” Are we just here to supply you with whatever you need then you leave us?
The Transcontinental railroad could be interpreted as the most memorable change in America in the 19th century. The railroad played an important role in the westward expansion and on the progression and development for the American economy. When America had acquired the West, the need for adequate transportation rose considerably. Suggestions dispersed about a railroad that would scope across the continent from East to West. Republican congresses ruled for the federal funding of railroad construction, however, all actions were on a standstill for a few years because of the Civil War. In the wake of the American Civil War of 1861-1865, the rush to put together the transcontinental railroad went underway in 1866. President Abraham Lincoln permitted the Pacific Railway Act of 1862, allowing two railroad companies the right to construct the first ever American transcontinental railroad. While there are several industries, which have left an indelible mark on California and may be more associated with California in the twentieth century, however no industry has had a greater impact on the American development of
First of all, in chapter one they introduce all of the characters and they introduce Johnny like, ¨If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers, you’ll have Johnny. He had a nervous, suspicious look in his eyes, and that beating he got from the Socs didn’t help matters. He was the gang’s pet, everyone’s kid brother. His father was always beating him up, and his
This is apparent when Two-Bit said he wondered why Johnny and Ponyboy were such good friends because neither of them talked. On page 39, it says “You must make such interesting conversation, Ponyboy keeping his mouth and you not saying anything.” This shows that Johnny is quiet and doesn’t talk much. Another example is when he was with Ponyboy at the movie and they were sitting by the Soc girls and he was being quiet. On page 24, it says Johnny managed a shy “Hi” to the girls and tried to watch the movie. This means Johnny was quiet and always nervous around strangers. As you can see Johnny is extremely quiet and doesn’t say much around
British imperialism affected Trinidad in a negative way. When the British took over Trinidad, slavery began. When slavery was brought to Trinidad, it caused the people of Trinidad to become depressed along with the rest of the world. When the British decided to join the colonies Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad’s sugar economy started to collapse.With the collapse of the economy and commodity prices rising, workers started to riot in Trinidad. Together these made the people and the colony of Trinidad difficult to work and live.
She’s probably come to tell me about all the trouble I’m causing her and about how glad her and the old man’ll be when I’m dead.” This shows that Johnny’s mother doesn't deserve to see him because instead of thinking of Johnny, she instead only thinks about herself. Most parents are not liked by their children, but that is because the parents care too much. This is the opposite for Johnny’s mother, she is a selfish person, who doesn’t even care that her child is in the hospital, and that is wrong.