
Johnny's Growing Up Means: A Narrative Fiction

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“So, he wouldn’t recognize shoes, or even if he did, he wouldn’t necessarily know how to tie them?” Joanne asked in amazement.
“You have to remember, he grew up in the 1950’s. It may have been quite common where he grew up,” Karl said.
Shaking her head, Joanne couldn’t believe her ears.
If that is the case, I wonder what else Johnny has never heard of or knows about, she wondered. Does he even know about the things we take for granted today?
Roy must have been thinking along those same lines, as he voiced out loud, “We really have got to figure out what it was like for him growing up. I mean, we have no clue what is normal for him and things we think nothing of might overwhelm him.”
“That’s why I’m here,” Dr. Druthers said. “Hopefully, we can help Johnny feel more at ease in a foreign world with people who he doesn’t know. As I’ve said before, it wouldn’t be easy.” …show more content…

Laughing along with Joe, Karl said, “Whatever bond it is, I’m glad it’s there. It’s also there with you too Joanne, although not as strong. Just keep being there for him. When he’s awake, tell him about yourselves, about your kids, family, life, anything and everything you can think of. He may not remember it the next day and you likely will have to repeat it again, but that’s okay. Ask him questions, but if he doesn’t answer, just move on. I think if you guys do that, it will help him out.”
“Thanks,” Roy and Jo answered together.
“Do you two have any questions?” Dr. Early asked, seeing that Karl was finished.
“No, I don’t think so,” Jo said slowly as she looked at her husband.
“No, thank you guys, this has helped a lot,” Roy acknowledged.
“You’re welcome,” Joe said. “I’ll follow you back to Johnny’s room. I’d like to check on him myself.”
“Same here,” Karl agreed.
With that, the four of them made their way to John’s cubicle to find him still resting

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