
Johnson & Johnson Case Analysis

Decent Essays

The Johnson & Johnson Company is focused on delivering products to warehouses and whole sellers and then distributing the products out to retailers. In order for this function to be as effortless and efficient as possible it is essential that the best candidates are trained thoroughly to interact with selected team members in order for the company to thrive. There are different level tiers of managers needed for the company, each has their role and importance to the successful implementation of the company’s objectives.

Johnson & Johnson is a very large corporation. Johnson & Johnson’s global supply is oriented with a lot of detail and very precise to ensure that the company can be sustained efficiently. The Johnson & Johnson company concludes of 250 subsidiary companies and has operations in 57 countries and counting (SCW, 2013). The company’s products are sold in approximately 175 countries (SCW, 2013). During the year of 2008 Johnson & Johnson was noted for the highest worldwide pharmaceutical sales of $24.6 billion (SCW, 2013). The Johnson & Johnson brand has a large amount of household names that are known worldwide; Acuvue, Neutrogena, Clean and Clear, Tylenol, Band-Aid, and Johnson’s baby products (SCW, 2013).

Johnson & Johnson’s Staffing Decisions
Supplying different retailers world-wide is a major factor in Johnson & Johnson’s global supply chain. Johnson & Johnson distribution is the head in this strategic management approach.

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