
Joseph Stalin Propaganda

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Power and control are things most people crave and some are willing to go to desperate lengths to obtain and maintain it. Past monarchs and dictators alike have used fear, murder, and manipulation to ensure that their power was secure. Leaders such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and King Henry VIII all used intimidation and their influence to gain power which they used to benefit themselves and commit atrocities. They rose to power due to weak societal conditions and then left a dark mark on their countries after their corrupt reign ended. Their corruption was caused by unlimited access to power which made them thirst for more and more, proving that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'. In order for dictators to rise they need an opportunity. …show more content…

It allowed the leader to indoctrinate the public to their ideologies and viewpoints by using false or manipulated information. Propaganda was and still is a common and effective technique used to manipulate the public in order to change their beliefs or attitude toward a certain topic, person, or government. It was used by Stalin to blame all his failures on his previous competitor Leon Trotsky, or Russia’s enemies. Stalin’s propaganda machine Pravda was an effective way for him to make up stories about what Trotsky had done to damage Russia. The media, such as radio, films, and television, were all controlled by the state and were only allowed to promote the Stalinist message. A large amount of Soviet history was even written to discredit Stalin’s rivals. Propaganda was also used by Hitler to get his people to favour him and follow his beliefs. Through the use of his powerful speeches, posters, and his control over the media, Hitler indoctrinated the country by persuading them that his side of the story was correct, thus gaining total control. His side involved the demonization of Jews and anyone who didn’t fit into what he considered ‘the norm’. Hitler used propaganda along with the help of the Gestapo to ensure that no stories harmful to the Nazi party were produced. Through the introduction of a system of censorship, you could only read, see and hear what the Nazi’s wanted you to read, see and hear. This lead to …show more content…

They left the people in fear and with a mark that could never be erased. In Russia after Stalin’s demise, the country was left struggling. Although during his tyrannical reign Stalin improved the literacy rate due to compulsory education and women’s rights by giving them the right to work, the societal cost was much greater; causing Russia to live in constant fear and causing a fall in the standard of living. He tortured and killed so many of his own people through the use of guns or due to the famine he caused. With a casualty rate of around 20 million or more, Stalin’s reign was more destructive than that of Hitler, who during the Holocaust killed over 6 million Jews and other minorities, along with the death casualties from the war he started. Stalin’s reign inspired copycat dictators such as Kim Il Sung in North Korea and Pol Pot in Cambodia, who both have astonishingly high death tolls of their own. The world continues to suffer from the impact of Stalin, who should the extent to which one leaders unquenchable desire for power can negatively affect millions of lives. He broke the Soviet people, and ruined their economy. The shadow Stalin cast over Russia, even today, is long, dark, and full of

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