
Josh Selby Was The Top High School Basketball Player In

Decent Essays

Josh Selby was the top high school basketball player in the United States, and his future as a professional basketball player in the National Basketball Association looked nothing but promising (Pick 1). The National Basketball Association, also known as the NBA, is the professional basketball league in America and consists of thirty teams. Every year, the NBA Draft takes place, and the thirty teams select players who are eligible for the league. If Selby had been eligible after his senior year of high school, he would have been a top pick. However, the NBA’s eligibility rules required him to be out of high school for at least one year. Selby was expected to play the required year in college, be a top pick in the 2011 NBA Draft, and …show more content…

Although some think the decision to go to the National Basketball Association should be solely in the hands of the players and although current efforts ensure that basketball players are in college for at least one year, the “one-and-done rule” needs to be revised because it destabilizes the college basketball system, leaves players without a backup plan, and causes players to lack the wisdom to make wise financial and life decisions.
The one-and-done rule concerns high school and college basketball players, but it hurts more than just the players involved: it hurts the college basketball system. Lonzo Ball, one of the most exciting players in college basketball, will leave college and take his talents to the NBA after his freshman season. Because some of the best college basketball players are leaving after their freshmen years, the excitement they bring to college basketball also leaves early. Electric players like Lonzo Ball are not the only things being lost; college basketball also loses stability. The best high school players usually go to the best college basketball programs, so only the top few teams in the country receive the top high school recruits, and those schools have an advantage for success. Schools like Kentucky and Duke lose more players each year because they control the top recruits, who are more likely to be one-and-done players. Because they lose more players each year, they have

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