
The One and Done Rule: Nba

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The NBA is a billion dollar business and known as one of the largest and most prestigious organization within American sports today. It is also home to one of the most controversial rules in all of sports, which is known as "the one and done rule." The one and done rule restricts high school basketball players from entering the NBA draft out of high school and going to straight to the NBA. According to Article X, Section 1 of the NBA's 2005 collective bargaining agreement (CBA), the policy for player eligibility states:
The player (A) is or will be at least 19 years of age during the calendar year in which the Draft is held, and (B) with respect to a player who is not an international player (defined below), at least one (1) …show more content…

They can play in Europe, they can play in the D-League, they can go to college. This is a not a social program, this is a business rule for us" (Harrigan, 2012). However, many choose to not play overseas, or within the D-League because the NCAA is a much better way for players to promote their skills to NBA teams and executives. Even though the "one and done rule" is not a NCAA, policy it has an enormous effect on the NCAA today. Due to the "one and done rule," there are more players leaving the NCAA Basketball programs than ever before, which is directly affecting the organization's mission, goals, and objectives. Through the NBA's rule, the NCAA has no say over when a player can leave, which directly contradicts the organization's mission of creating an educated athlete that will allow for success within the future. The primary mission of the NCAA is located on page 1 of the 2011-12 Division I Manual states:
The competitive athletics programs of member institutions are designed to be a vital part of the educational system. A basic purpose of this Association is to maintain intercollegiate athletics as an integral part of the educational program and the athlete as an integral part of the student body and, by so doing, retain a clear line of demarcation between intercollegiate athletics and professional sports (NCAA, 2011).

With players having the option of leaving the NCAA,

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