
Journey To America Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Long time ago, when I was little, my father used to say “Let’s go Cheetah!” for encouraging me like in the movie Tarzan. It was like an enchanting magic words that nothing can ever defeat me ; however, harsh fate was coming towards me. One day, my mom asked me if I wanted to study abroad in America and I thought it was a joke that my mom made up to scare me, since I was gradually getting myself involved deeply in the typical interminable middle school girls’ dramas. I carelessly responded, “Yeah mom, why not”, and journey to America began with few promises to: always try my best, contact with family often, and think before I act. When I arrived in America, I was confronted by different and new surroundings. The air in the airport smelled awkward and I missed my home country. Soon …show more content…

As many typical people and I thought, sudden journey to America seems like a refreshing of boring and obvious life, and be a great chance to discover myself either. Back in the days, when I was still in Korea as a middle school student, this unexpected plan was on a process in rush without any single tips. Without any provisions and concerns, my high school life started with strong beliefs which was based on high school drama I saw from Korea such as ‘happily ever after’ or ‘everything is fine.’ Nevertheless, it betrayed me. The truth was friends never come first, language barrier exists in everywhere, and those meaningless struggles with my Aunt were slowly chocking me. Barely speaking English and passive life styles didn’t help me out to get over these confusions easily. Beside hesitating between continuing my academic work or giving up all these craps, Sophomore year started. That year, this one girl came to our school as an exchange student with bright smile and two dimples each sides. Until that, it was pretty normal day as usual however surprisingly, as soon as I met her, this some sort of ‘senior’ responsibility

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