
Joy Luck Club Culture

Decent Essays

Question #1
The novel argues that certain cultural concepts like ‘Joy Luck Club’ cannot be translated, and still sustain their meaning in different cultures. According to June Woo, one of the biggest barriers between the mothers and their daughter's is the language. The language barrier is also enhanced by cultural differences between the mothers and daughters making translations very difficult. The daughters have returned from America, but their long stay in a foreign country has eroded their native language to an extent that they can only speak a few Chinese words. Most of the daughters were born in America, which explains why their knowledge of English language supersedes that of Chinese language. On the other hand, their mothers can also speak just a few English words. Therefore, communication between mothers and daughters is mainly based on translations.
The daughters cannot understand the meaning of ‘Joy Luck Club’ because the words ‘joy’ and ‘luck’ do not have the same meaning. Joy, for instance, would mean happiness while luck would mean good fortune. If the two words are put together, they seem to create some differences in meaning leading to subtle misunderstanding. Perhaps, the writer relies on the use of translation to show what is lost when a word is translated from one language into another. In Chinese, for …show more content…

First, I have learnt that violence, weather physical or psychological, breaks families, regardless of how strong the family might be. Ishmael finds himself alone and distraught because her family had been wiped out in a wave of violence that swept her village. He had not imagined himself living alone and far from the family because bond in the family has always kept them together. Ishmael has always been happy in the family until the fateful day when their village was attacked leaving scores of children without food and any help they could think

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