
Judaism And Christianity Similarities

Decent Essays

Approximately 2.2 billion people from countries all over the world have one thing in common: their Christian faith (Chappell 1). However, many of them do not have a full understanding of what they are choosing to believe. Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The word Christianity* originated around the year 1300 and evolved from old french word “Crestienté. “Christians as a whole¨ is its literal definition (Harper 1). It is common Christian belief that God sent his one and only son, Jesus, to be born of the Virgin Mary and deliver His message to the world. Jesus is considered to be the Messiah, or savior, and was crucified on the cross for people’s sins. He rose again on the third day so those who have sinned could go to heaven. One basic teaching of Jesus Christ is to put God above everything else. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (New International Version, Mt. 22.36-38). This means that Christians are supposed love God so much that they would sacrifice their own personal desires for Him. For example, an individual who does not want to give an offering to their church so they can …show more content…

The similarities are that both Christians and Jews believe in one God only and have a Bible. The Jewish version of the bible is called the “Torah” and contains basically the same information as the Old Testament (“Jews and Christians” 1). However, Christians accept Jesus as the Messiah and personal savior while the Jewish people do not. He is not a part of their religion, therefore, they do not celebrate all of the holidays connected to the life of Jesus, such as Christmas, Easter, Lent, and Palm Sunday (Glazier 2) Judaism still follows Abraham’s covenant with God, which is different from Christian beliefs

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