
Judaism- Myths and Misconceptions

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Stereotyping is rampant throughout the world and people worldwide are stereotyped based on many factors. Stereotypes are generalities about a specific group of people that can be positive; however most stereotypes are distinctly negative. When a group is stereotyped, a definite and distinct set of characteristics attributed to that group of people based on a preconceived appearance of that group. Stereotyping is particularly problematic since it can lead to further discrimination and prejudice. Obviously, the stereotyped group is left with feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and a sense of being ostracized. While race and gender are some of the most common factors of stereotyping, there is another factor that leads to stereotyping, …show more content…

In addition, kashrut law requires that meat from animals is butchered for consumption in a specific way that abides by the law. The kashrut requires that Jews do not eat particular animals and the animals that are approved, must be butchered according to law. Further, there is a prohibition the consumption of blood which means that meat eaten is salted and saturated with water to remove all blood. The other special consideration when “keeping kosher” is to avoid the mixing of meat and dairy products says Cohen (personal communication, December 1, 2012). In order to ensure accordance with kashrut, Cohen has separate sets of cooking pans and dishes for use with either meat or dairy products and apparently this is not unusual for many Jewish families.
Another common myth about Judaism is that a person must be born a Jew. While it may be more common to be a child born into a Jewish family by having a Jewish mother or father, it is possible for an adult to convert to Judaism. People have many reasons for choosing to convert to Judaism just as one would have specific reasons to convert to any religion. Often, a person may choose to convert when developing a relationship with a Jew. If a person were to choose to convert, that person must undergo a lengthy conversion process. Until this conversion is complete, a person born to non-Jewish parents would not be considered

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