
Judy Case Study Essay

Decent Essays

Case Study On Tuesday, October 6th I conducted an interview on Judy, a sixth grade student in Mr. Clapp’s Language Arts class. She has an Indian background, however she is very much a typical middle school English speaking student. Judy has shares the same interest, lifestyle and dreams as the everyday girl growing up in America. Her experiences as a young child reminded me of my own. This student is driven with family support and shared dreams of her future. Judy is a student that would need to be challenged by her teacher so that she may achieve her dreams and continue to be a lifelong learner. Judy’s daily routine consist of waking up early every morning and fixing her own breakfast. After Judy gets dressed, she goes over her homework and studies until it is time to go to school. After school she works on her homework and likes to study. She attends a club on Wednesdays called Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). She also likes to volunteer for elementary schools helping teachers or tutoring students. In her free time she likes to read. She explains that reading takes her away to another universe. She also likes to write. Judy says that when she writes, she feels in control of the story therefore she does not watch much T.V. Her family time consist of going to a theme park, the beach or out to dinner. I asked Judy what her …show more content…

She took out her journal and began to think. I asked Judy what she was thinking. She told me that she thought about writing as a way to escape from reality and form a world of her own. She then wrote down her thoughts. As she was writing, I noticed how sophisticated she wrote. Her terminology seemed advanced for a sixth grader. Her writing was clear and neat. She also demonstrated great grammar, punctuation and spelling. She wrote slow and took several breaks to think about what she wanted to elaborate on. Judy was unable to finish the assignment before the end of

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