
Julius Caesar: Brutus Vs. Cassius Essays

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Contrasting Characters

In Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius are contrasting characters. They differ in the way they perceive Antony as a threat to the assassination plot, their dominance in personality, and their moral fiber. In Julius Caesar, Brutus is the more naïve, dominant and noble character, while Cassius is the more perceptive, submissive, and manipulative person.

Brutus and Cassius are very different in the way they perceive Antony. Brutus is very trusting and naïve when he judges Antony. When the subject of killing Antony comes up among the conspirators, Brutus underestimates how dangerous Antony could be and says, “For Antony is but a limb of Caesar”(2.1.178). This statement means Brutus does not …show more content…

Cassius thinks that Cicero is a good and honorable man that should be included, but as soon as he nominates Cicero to join the group, Brutus steps in and says, “O, name him not! Let us not break with him, / For he will never follow anything/ That other men begin” (2.1.162-165). Instead of contesting Brutus, Cassius just lets it pass and concedes to not permitting Cicero to join the group. Although this particular argument isn’t pivotal to the plot, it augments how Brutus dominates what decisions are made. Brutus again shows his dominance over Cassius when the two are discussing military strategies. Cassius wants to stay where they are and let Octavius and Antony waste their energy trying to find Brutus and him. “ ‘Tis better that the enemy seek us; / So shall he waste his means, and weary his soldiers…”(4.3.228-229). This is a good idea and it should be used, but Brutus shows his precedence over Cassius by instantaneously replying, “Good reasons must by force give place by better…”(4.3.233). Brutus then states his reason: if they get to Philipi first, they will have the better position. Cassius, who has a good argument, does not even try to contest Brutus. He backs down and says, “Then with your will, go on” (4.3.256). This decision leads to their armies losing and to the end of both their lives. Cassius has the better plan but he submits to Brutus. Finally, when Brutus and Cassius are arguing with each other about everything

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