
Julius Caesar: Conqueror, General, Builder, Dictator for Life

Decent Essays

Julius Caesar, an important figure in Roman history, lived during the end of the Roman Republic. His actions would shape the world around him forever. He was an important figure because he grew the Roman Empire, he brought about the end of the Roman Republic , and was able to grow his status within his lifetime and become dictator for life. Julius Caesar was born on July 12 , 100 BC and died on March 15, 44 BC. Caesar was born into a patrician family. This meant that they were noble and were wealthier than the plebeians, who were the common people. (Julius Caesar -- Britannica School) “H is family traced their lineage back to the goddess Venus.” (Julius Caesar -- Britannica School) His uncles and cousins were all consuls and …show more content…

(Julius Caesar: The people that stabbed him were the senators, including Caesar’s friend Brutus. (Julius Caesar -- Britannica School) This action stole away one of the most influential Romans that ever lived. The fact that Caesar grew the Roman Empire in size is significant because the Roman Empire became this huge empire circling the Mediterranean Sea. Caesar conquered areas because he wanted to rule the whole world. (Julius Caesar Biography -- By conquering so much land he set an example for the emperors who would follow in his footsteps and would continue to conquer as he did. The fact that he brought about the end of the Roman Republic is important because this changed the government of Rome forever. Instead of having the senate make all of the important governmental decisions, he was one leader who had immense power. The senate simply acted as an advisor. “With this began an era, the rule of Rome being held by men who successively held the name Caesar, by birth or adoption.” (Gaius Julius Caesar -- His impact did not end when he died. He impacted the rest of the Roman Empire and the rest of the world around him. Julius Caesar brought about the end of the Roman Republic by his actions in his later career. When he crossed the Rubicon, he brought about a civil war, and at the end of that civil war, he, as a single ruler, had conquered Rome. He could have brought back the “old, corrupt system of the late

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