
Julius Caesar Villain Essay

Decent Essays

“It can not be decided whether it was better for the commonwealth for Caesar to be born, or never to be born.”(qtd. in Lendering). Gaius Julius Caesar, also known as Julius Caesar was born July 13, 100 B.c.He was a statesman, Author, but most important a general famous for his conquest of Gaul. Although He took down the Roman Republic, the roman form of democracy, and turned himself into an absolute ruler, it was because of him Rome became one of the greatest empire the world has ever seen (Lendering). The question whether Julius Caesar was a hero or a villain is more complicated than yes or no most things are in Life is not just black and white there is a lot of grey areas.Caesar was born into politics. His father,who had the same name as him, was a Praetor …show more content…

In 62 BCE he was elected Praetor and sailed to spain in 61 BCE.Bringing a stable peace and winning the respect of his troops, he returned to Rome an honor and glory.In 58 BCE he left rome and went to Gaul with his legion conquering the tribes and expanding Rome, which made him very popular amongst the people, but when the higher ups asked for him to return to Rome he refused and he took his legion to Rubicon which was considered to be an act of war. After winning the war he returned to Rome and was named dictator for life in 44 BCE ( Ferrill).Using his great power he changed many things in Rome giving land to the poor and veterans, as well as changing the governmen, which made the senate very angry which would lead to his death.His time as dicatator was considered to be very succesful, but On march 15, 44 BCE he was murdered in fear he was geting to powerful.The question remains was Caesar a hero or a Villain, well it all depends on who you asked to the people of Rome he was a legend, to the more powereful his was the devil.It can also be argued that if Caesar returned to Rome when he was asked they would never be a Civil war and no one quite sure how

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