
July Fourth For A Negro Analysis

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The Meaning of July Fourth for a Negro

Frederick Douglass, an escaped slave and slavery abolitionist, addressed this speech to the population of the United States of America to portray the terrible mistreatment of slaves and the steps needed to be taken in order to stop this. He claims that the mistreatment shown towards these hard-working individuals called slaves is the worst action that the universe has ever seen. They get no respect and are used as property to do endless work for their masters. On the fourth of July, these slaves do not get the same sense of liberty, justice, and freedom, instead they are not respected and do not receive the same, equal rights granted to all members of our country. Nobody in the United States is standing …show more content…

The slaves are racially discriminated against and are abused and auctioned off daily by the slave owners and oppressors. Douglass is glad that this nation is still young and has place to improve as it is well needed. The only way for our nation to change is if the children stop following the example shown by their parents and act out against it to make our nation better. When we broke away from England in 1776, we were a strong, unified country, but as slavery was introduced in our nation, we have continually regressed. It is an issue that over the years some of our presidents and leaders have been encouraging slavery in our country. Throughout his speech, Douglass makes points about slaves not feeling the same sense of liberty and equality during the fourth of July, slaves constantly being abused and mistreated and nobody standing up for them, and the American Church worshipping against slaves and modifying the rules of …show more content…

The Founding Fathers of our nation fought hard for our freedom, justice, liberty, and independence. In the constitution, they wrote that all people are to be treated equally, but people have acted out against this statement and disregarded it with slavery. The constitution does not contain anything about the idea of slavery; therefore, people felt that it was okay to bring it into our free and united country. With slavery, the mistreatment of people and the division in our country increased. Slaves did not receive equal rights as compared to other members of the country. Slavery created many problems in our country and nobody had the courage to stand up to the wealthy oppressors of this issue. “The rich inheritance of justice, liberty, prosperity, and independence bequeathed by your fathers, is shared by you, not me.” This quote shows how the slaves of our country do not get to rejoice in happiness on the fourth of July because they do not receive the same liberty, justice, prosperity, and independence that most other people of this nation receive. The slaves are viewed as property and do not get any respect for their hard work in our economy and country. As stated, slaves do not feel the same sense of liberty and justice than all other members of our country because of the mistreatment and abuse they receive

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