
Jury System Dbq Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Today we are here to speak upon todays Jury system and how it can be improved or should we have it removed. Well I'm here to tell you my side. I think jury duty at this point should be eliminated and done for because its has more convicted, its random people you can say with no experience on handling a situation like this with a “criminal” they don't know how to assess the situation at hand like if you were to go with the bench, and also some of the jurors don't even pay attention to the case they are there because they have to.
In the jury system there has been more cases than in the bench for the year 2010. Overall those trails in the jury system about 15-20 percent were acquitted. Then in the other hand the bench trials about almost half …show more content…

People you have no clue who they are and you have never seen them in your life. They don’t know what type of person you are for all they know your a bad person because your sitting in a chair where a bad person would sit so immediately they probably judging you as a bad person from the gate. Also as shown in Doc E some people that show up might not even know what's going on what the topic at hand is. I believe that people go because they are forced so imagine being judged for a “crime” you did and being convicted because they see no good in you when probably your the nicest person ever. But since they are concentrated on something else they won't know and will just say yes guilty cause you're sitting in a chair were real criminals, real murders have sat in. Another negative side is that in the jury theres probably one person thats really into doing this stuff so if he takes over and blames you as guilty your pretty much done for cause the other people will just sit there confused agreeing with the only person talking or making the decisions in the jury like shown in the second picture of Doc

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