
Just Lather, That's All

Decent Essays

A Comparison Of Characters From Opposing Groups in “Just Lather, That’s All” “Just Lather, That’s All” by Hernando Telléz is a story that reveals the values of a government official and a rebel through an in depth illustration of their thoughts and actions. The barber (rebel) and Captain Torres (government official) are similar because they both value human life whereas they are different because the barber values his occupation and innocence and Captain Torres values the government and his reputation. The barber and Captain Torres show that they both value human life as they both show a dislike for murder. The barber shows that he values innocence when he says that no one deserves the sacrifice of becoming a murderer and he shows that …show more content…

The barber shows that he values innocence when he states that becoming a murderer is a burden that one should not have to carry. “No one deserves to have someone else make the sacrifice of becoming a murderer.” (Téllez 50). This quotation shows that he believes that becoming a murderer is a worthless

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