
Justice And The Criminal Justice Part Of The Legal System

Better Essays


Word count: XXXX

Felix Ferris
Student number: 17290893
Seminar details: Tuesday, 4pm – 5pm (Room: MAR 171), Pascale Chifflet

I. Introduction
Miscarriages of justice illuminate the serious systematic problems that can plague the criminal justice part of the legal system. Such miscarriages show not only the fundamental weakness of an adversarial system, with its focus on ends rather than means, but also the reluctance of the system to consider its own mistakes.
One such example is the case of David Harold Eastman and the recent quashing of Mr Eastman’s conviction for the murder of Colin Stanley Winchester . The case and subsequent inquiry demonstrated a significant departure from the norms governing areas of disclosure and forensic expert evidence.
The Eastman inquiry lends consideration to the broader organisational and institutional response to miscarriages of justice and how they may be prevented in future. Attention may be placed on the important role of the CCRC (Criminal Cases Review Commission) in Britain and the error correction role such an institution can play. Further, as highlighted by the Eastman inquiry – the problematic nature forensic science disciplines largely contribute to the adverse outcomes in miscarriage of justice cases – these concerns may largely be addressed through the implementation of further oversight of forensic science practices including standardised testing and

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