
Juvenile Delinquency Paper

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Although, each state varies in legal terms, a juvenile is a youth that is either at the age or under the age of 17 (Bartollas & Schmalleger, 2014, p. 5.) The Office of the United States Attorneys simply addresses it as, a person who has not attained his/her eighteenth birthday (Stevens, 1998.) Delinquent acts committed by these minors after often collected and measured to track trending behavior patterns. Beginning in 1930, The Uniform Crime Report Program was designated to the Federal Bureau of Investigation by the attorney general to maintain all the data criminal data reported to the police (Bartollas & Schmalleger, 2014, p. 27.) The Uniform Crime Report is used to measure the arrest statistics or crimes reported to the police such as arrests made or persons arrested, with this information the measurement of juvenile delinquency is found to be largely spread across the United States (Bartollas & Schmalleger, 2014, p. 27.) Moreover, investigative techniques such as surveying, whether from self -reporting or victims themselves, allow for the acknowledgement of delinquent acts that are not reported to the police and would have remained undocumented otherwise.

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