
Juvenile Delinquents

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In conclusion to the study, the researchers found that majority of the participants agreed that juvenile offenders should get more lenient treatments, that juvenile delinquent is more likely to benefit from rehabilitation, and if incarcerated they are more liable to become criminals. According to the majority of Pennsylvanians, juvenile offenders should be treated differently from an adult and at least through most of their teenage years, they are candidates for reform. (Piquero, Cullen, Unnever, Piquero, & Gordon. 2010). 57 percent- juvenile delinquents should receive more leniency. 77 percent- juvenile offender’s benefits from rehabilitation programs. 74 percent- juvenile delinquents are more likely to become criminals if incarcerated. (Piquero, Cullen, Unnever, Piquero, & Gordon. 2010). …show more content…

Research has continuously shown that youth is physical, socially and psychologically different from adults. Youth is less mature, are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors and are more impulsive than adults. “Although adolescence is a phase during which some youth engage in unlawful conduct, there is substantial evidence that most adolescents involved in criminal activity will stop when they reach young adulthood.” (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak, 2012, p. 2). Because teens are immature, some laws prohibit juveniles from; voting, purchasing alcoholic beverages, or legally signing their name to a document without the signature of their parents or guardians. (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak, 2012). Although, studies have shown that youth does not have the same capability as an adult and are more likely to behave badly. Some states, 44 to be exact disregards such findings. These countries allow those as young as ten years old, to be sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. (Allen, Trzcinski, & Kubiak,

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