
The Effects Of Incarceration On The Social Of African American Juveniles

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Chapter Three Disciplinary changes applied to the juvenile justice system in addition to negative impressions of juvenile males have caused juvenile male incarceration rates to surge. African American male juveniles encounter racial differences in society everyday due to view that media portrays them to be. Racial bias amongst these juvenile African American males is the principal cause of their incarceration rates climbing higher each year. The lives of these juveniles are seriously altered after being incarcerated due to the negative labels given to them. This chapter will discuss the findings, implications, and future research of the impact of incarceration on the social conceptions of African American juveniles.
Negative views caused by society have had a major impact on the increasing of African American male juvenile incarceration rates in this country. Education is believed to be one of the most important resolutions to juvenile delinquency, but it does not gain the awareness it deserves in these detention centers. Instead, because of the multiple issues that face juvenile detention centers, academic growth is often ignored (Morrison and Epps 2002). To efficiently restore young people in America 's juvenile justice system, those who are in custody require more educational services that can help develop their educational skills. Foster, Williamson, and Buchannon (2004) reported on a successful reading program that was implemented at a juvenile

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