
Juveniles Should Not Be Sentenced As Adults

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Today, when a child under the age of 18 years old commits a crime, they will automatically be sent to juvenile court, but the law was not always separate for juveniles. The juvenile court system was established in the year of 1899 in the United States (Development of the JJS). The reasoning behind creating a separate court for juveniles is primarily to rehabilitate the youth rather than punishing them by being sent to adult prison. There are certain laws made specifically to protect people and their rights, but when it comes to juveniles there are no laws to protect them in the juvenile justice system whatsoever. Youth are not able to purchase tobacco until they are 21, they cannot have sexual intercourse until 16, and cannot drink alcohol until 21. Why is it that adolescents have to wait until all these ages to make certain actions and …show more content…

Juveniles should not be tried and sentenced as adults because their brains are not fully matured thus making the process impossible to undergo the experiences of being tried and sentenced as an adult. The juvenile justice system needs to be revised and start to work towards helping the juveniles find the right path and not setting them up to fail. Some people might say that these adolescents need to just fall silent and do the time in adult prison. The problem is, youth cannot do the same time like an adult would, because they are not adults, no matter how much society would like them to carry themselves as so, they simply cannot. The public should put themselves in the juvenile’s shoes and become aware of all the trauma and abuse the juveniles live through while being tried and sentenced as an adult. Society should appreciate juvenile’s lives because the youth is the future so people should keep that in mind when considering juveniles being tried as

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