
Kang's Argument Analysis

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In the article, “Net neutrality hits a nerve, eliciting intense reactions”, Cecilia Kang discusses how the pending repeal of Net Neutrality by the FCC and Chairman, Ajit Pai, is adamantly contested by most of the Internet community and most companies, big or small. To develop her argument, Kang uses a wide variety of appeals from established and startup companies, statistics and evidence related to the reaction to the repeal, and demonstrations on how polarizing the issue is, and the repeal’s effect on solving the problem of Internet regulation. Kang cites a multitude of Internet-based companies or organizations, such as Mozilla, Google, Netflix, and Free Press, to demonstrate their concern and clarify their resentment of the repeal. For instance, Google and Netflix argued that “telecom companies should not be able to split sites because that would allow them to become a sort of gatekeeper.” These responses better clarify companies’ concerns about the repeal and its effect on their business, while also aiding Kang in developing her article on explaining the concern and the response it has elicited. According to Kang, …show more content…

According to Kang, Schneiderman, the New York Attorney General, found the fraudulent comments to be allegedly made with “the identities of tens of thousands of state residents” and fraudulently used to post comments to the F.C.C. This poses the risk in believing the massive uproar from the Internet community on the topic of Net Neutrality because Schneiderman’s discovery ushers in criticism about the validity of the widely-posted comments. Lang uses logos from Schneiderman’s findings to elucidate that the massive uproar from the Internet community may just all be a facade due to the number of bots littering sites with fraudulent

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