
Kant And The Categorical Imperative

Satisfactory Essays

Immanuel Kant was a philosopher who tried to work out how human beings could be good and kind outside admiration and devotion of traditional religions. Kant was a pessimist about human character and believed that we are by nature intensely prone to corruption. This became more clear to Kant after reading the work of philosopher David Hume. It was this that led him to formulate his life’s project, the desire to replace religious authority with the authority of reason, that is human intelligence. When it came to religion, Kant argued that although historical religions had all been wrong in the content of what they believed, they had latched onto a great need to promote ethical behavior, a need which still remained. It was in this context …show more content…

However, this statement leads to a contradiction. Kant’s wording specifically states that moral actions cannot bring about contradictions. The contradiction here is that no one would say that everyone should steal all the time. If that were the case everyone would steal from each other. Another example that contradicts Kant’s statement of universal law is about cheating in a relationship. If I wanted to cheat on my partner, I would have to be willing to make it the case that everyone always cheat on their partner - but if this were to happen no one would ever trust to be in a relationship with someone else. So, if you willed ,that cheating, should become a universal law then you would prevent your goal making it impermissible to lie according to the categorical imperative. The second formulation known as The Formula of Humanity states that we should act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end. To treat a person as an end, for Kant meant keeping in view that they have a life of their own in which they were seeking happiness and fulfillment and deserve justice and fair treatment. The Formula of Humanity does not eliminate using people as means to our ends. This would be absurd since we do this all the time but we do it in morally appropriate ways. We use people all the time, such as professors, doctors

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