
Kant : Kant 's Ethics

Better Essays

Khaled AlMarwani
Philosophical Ethics PHL270
Dr. Elizabeth F. Cooke

Question # 1: Kant’s Ethics According to my humble reading, Kant is considered the hardest to read, grasp and understand among the philosophers that we came across studying ethics. According to Kant, nothing could be called good without qualification except a good will. And the good will is the desire or the tendency to do your duty because it is your duty, not anything else. Thus, nothing can be gained out of an action. And only this motivation that gives moral worth to do an action; and only that shows you are a good moral person because when a person does his act based on doing just his duty, that action would pass the categorical imperative test (doing act is based on doing the duty (period) actually, not because passing the categorical imperative test for itself) (Kant, the Good Will). Also, it shows you are a good person if you have a good will and vice versa. Only the good will virtue is the virtue that had been accepted by Kant and not anything else. Because you might be courageous or intelligent but that does not mean you would be good moral man because you might be criminal or thief unless if you enhance your courage or intelligence with a good will. Even happiness, must have good will. For a broad example about good will, you do not cheat in exam because you do not cheat not because the professor is present at the room, or you don not steal from the grocery store because you do

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