
Kant on the Locus of the Moral Worth and Utility

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According to Atwell’s argument (13), Kant implied that nothing is good without a limitation except the good will. In an argument, Kant is claimed to admit that there are other good things that exist, yet all of them have limitations. The good things are grouped into three categories; the abilities of the mind, certain qualities of character and incidental gifts. Kant argues that when these good things are coated with evil will they never remain to be good. According to Kant, the goodwill can never be termed to be good because of anything that it accomplishes or its effectiveness to reach a given end. From his point of view, goodwill is not meant for the realization of good results neither does it act as a means of achieving a particular result. The goodwill, therefore, should never depend on any of the external factors for it is good in itself and is regarded for itself. However, Kant admits that the goodwill can only be good if it is willing.
According to Kantian Ethics: Good Will, It is Your Duty! Kant’s ethics moral are based on the unconditional command referred to as the Categorical Imperative. Therefore, Kant states that doing something because it creates a positive feeling of doing it does not make the action good. What matters is the attitude that one builds in doing the job. Kant claims that doing something out of goodwill is like an obligation that anyone has to do. Whereby, Kant claims that because doing something should not be for the achievement of a reward but

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