
Karl Fontenot And An Former Con Odell Titsworth

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Haraway with Karl Fontenot and an ex-con Odell Titsworth. He was locked up in the jail but was not charge with anything. Karl Fontenot was also arrested and was questioned for an hour and a half. First he denied any involvement but under police constant pressure, he too made a videotaped “confession”. During the second trial, a psychiatrist examined Fontenot and believed that because of low intelligence, Fontenot did not understood his Miranda rights and the meaning of a ‘confession’ and lied to the police in order to get attention (481).
There were many discrepancies between both the tapes about how the crime was committed. First, both of them implicated Odell Titsworth but could not identify him. Tommy even mispronounced his name, until the police corrected him, this could be because the police gave him Titsworth name. Also, it was impossible for Titsworth to commit the crime because of his broken arm. Both of them were unclear about the location of the body. Tommy Ward kept getting the facts mixed up. Without any shred of physical evidence, both Tommy Ward and Karl Fontenot remained in jail. There was no prior knowledge of the victim, no motive was proven, no physical evidence found at the crime scene, such as blood, fingerprints, or saliva because the crime scene was not secured and all evidence was contaminated. The house that they said where they burned the body was burned down a long time ago; it was not even a house at the time of the disappearance. Fontenot in his

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