
Cinderella Research Papers

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Fairytale Dream or True Love
As a little girl, one always dreams of becoming a princess, wonders who her prince charming will be, and how beautiful she will feel on the day of her fairytale wedding. Disney princesses have always given those curious little minds a role model to look up to. Cinderella was a less-than-average girl, for example, who later met the man of her dreams and became royalty. Although a film written strictly from one’s imagination, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, could very well be thought of as another one of those classic Disney princesses. Just an average girl who had a normal life is now in line for the throne. Some may say she was willing to do anything to make her childhood dreams reality, while others …show more content…

After breaking up with her boyfriend in 2002, Kate Middleton would be a participant in a charity fashion show. It was here, Prince William would pay a pricey penny to sit front row. Although, just friends at the time, Middleton showing off sexy lingerie that was very revealing was sure to send their relationship to the next level. After about a year or so of just being friends Will and Kate finally began dating in 2002 ( The couple decided to keep their relationship private for as long as possible to keep the paparazzi away. Kate wanted to finish her studies in peace, and Will wanted the same for her because his mother’s death was caused by the overbearing paparazzi. They agreed to not sit by each other, talk too much to each other, or hold hands in public. This kept the paparazzi away for a little while, but two years later in 2004, Kate was caught with the royal family on a ski trip ( After constantly being followed by cameras and becoming a tabloid favorite in 2005, Kate Middleton received twenty-four hour security from the Royalty and Diplomatic Protection Department in 2006. This led many followers of the couple to believe an engagement was soon to follow ( That was hardly the case. Just like any other relationship, this one had its ups and downs as well. British tabs had dubbed her “Waity Katie” (People Weekly 64), and Prince William was constantly pressured to

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