
Kathryn Oda Mental Health Essay

Decent Essays

For many there is a sense of pride around your pet, and it is pointed out in Helen Brooks in her study. She points out that pet’s support a lifestyle approach to managing mental health. That may improve the well-being of the owners, and improve the owner’s mental health. (Brooks 10) this seems to be the case with Kathryn Oda.
Kathryn Oda was struggling with depression and anxiety. She had tried almost everything including anti-depressants, special teas, trying yoga, and exercising at the gym. None of that was working. She eventually moved to a new town in hopes of that helping her. Then one day she read an article about how dogs can help fight against depression and she decided to get one. She got a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and her life slowly stared to change. It didn’t happen all at once it was a gradual change, she …show more content…

Then I don’t think that we should make it harder to get an ESA. You already need to have a psychologist, therapist or psychiatrist sigh off on you getting an ESA. I don’t want to make it too hard to get one because then you start to denning people who may need this and would benefit from it. Having to have the animal trained should be enough to stop all of the bad behaviors the pet may have.
In conclusion any person that is struggling with a mental illness such as depression should consider getting some sort of pet to help them. The best animal to do this is a dog, however if this is not an option then there are other pets that will also help. Generally the more intermit the animal the better it is at helping your mental health. You should also consider if you want to get your pet registered as an emotional suport animal. It cannot be ignored that there are some negative things you need to take in to consideration before you get a new animal, however the positives far outweigh the

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