
Katniss 'Love In The Hunger Games' By Suzanne Collins

Decent Essays

People sometimes do something for someone out of culpability. Katniss pretends to be in love with Peeta, another person participating in the Hunger Games, so they can both stay alive, based on the law that there can be two victors if they are from the same district. She doesn't want him to stay in the arena, because she knows she would feel guilty for the rest of her life if she left him to die. “ ‘ You’re not going to die’ I tell him firmly.”(Suzanne Collins page 253). Katniss takes care of Peeta when he is sick and feels guilty that she can’t do more for him. She goes and gets him medicine risking herself of exposure to all the people in the arena who are trying to kill her. She also knows she owes him for when he took a beating for her so

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