
Keep It Simple Stupid: Film Analysis

Decent Essays

Dialogue is the "meat" in a screenplay. The role od dialogue is to push the story forward and shows us who the characters are. Seeing is believing in film. It os called visual storytelling for a reason. I didn't realize how much could be wrong with one's dialogue. For the short, Intercambios the dialogue was on the nose. One technique that comes to mind is K.IS.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid." This film kept me engaged and emotionally invested. The subtext was wonderful and I knew what the characters meant by something that was not said. The script on paper was very clear. There were no extra lines or "talking wallpaper." The dialogue describes Cristina as an honest and hardworking daughter, helping to support her struggling family in another country. She saved eight thousand dollars to help them and went to the bank to wire the money to surprise them. The subtext shows who she is and so does the script. She calls her mother being so happy and humble. It indicates that she is hardworking. From the prepaid cell phone to the mattress that lay on the floor, I knew she was honest. However when she meets the …show more content…

(Keep It Simple Stupid." This film kept me engaged and emotionally invested. The subtext was wonderful and I knew what the characters meant by something that was not said. The script on paper was very clear. There were no extra lines or "talking wallpaper." The dialogue describes Cristina as an honest and hardworking daughter, helping to support her struggling family in another country. She saved eight thousand dollars to help them and went to the bank to wire the money to surprise them. The subtext shows who she is and so does the script. She calls her mother being so happy and humble. It indicates that she is hardworking. From the prepaid cell phone to the mattress that lay on the floor, I knew she was honest. However when she meets

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