
Kent State Protest Movement

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The Vietnam War began in 1955, but it wasn’t until the 1960’s that the nation witnessed large protests against the war. A process called the draft sent many men over to fight against the communists in Vietnam. This “draft” meant that many men would not have a choice about whether or not they wanted to participate in the war. The U.S. government made that determination for them. Twenty years of combat, in some of the worst conditions possible, resulted in the loss of many American soldiers. There were many protests in the United States that helped open the nations eye towards protesting and how protests affect the war. The Kent State massacre was a big turning point for protests, it made many Americans see that the protests were not just hippies, and people of drug culture spreading peace, but a powerful movement to …show more content…

Starting on May 1st, the students held an anti-war protest that quickly became violent. The local bars began closing earlier than usual, one could argue that alcohol and angry protester could be a deadly mixture. Protesters were starting bonfires and began breaking the windows and stealing things from stores. About one thousand national guardsmen came to Kent State to try and calm down the very wrathful crowd. The protesters began throwing rocks and bottles at the police officers who were trying to contain them. On May 2nd the reserve Officer training building on campus started on fire. It was unclear how the fired started or who started the fire. It could have been a protester, or someone who is trying to frame the anti-war protesters. As the fire fighters arrived to the chaos the anti-war protesters were celebrating the building in flames. The student and non-student protesters began hollering at the fire fighters, protester went as far as to cut the hoses firefighters were using to put out the fire. The National Guard had to resort to tear gassing the crowd of

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