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Skateboarding - How to do a 360 Flip

So you recently got your kickflips and maybe your varial kickflips on lock, and you want to learn some more tricks. Well, if you're up for a more difficult trick, let's try the 360 flip.

The 360 flip is a kickflip that rotates three-hundred and sixty degrees underneath the skater's feet. It sounds difficult, but it's well worth the work.

Before you start, you definitely want to have your kickflips down. It's definitely helpful if you can also bigspin (360 pop-shuv with a body varial), however it's not needed. Varial flips are also helpful.

Let's start with foot placement. Foot placement is very important on this trick. Your back foot should be on the very edge of the tail, with your foot covering up the whole thing. Your toes should also be hanging off the board. Your front …show more content…

So when you're riding, put your feet into position, and scoop your back foot like a backside pop-shuvit. When the board hits 90 degrees, flick off the board with your front foot making it spin. As you scoop and flip, jump forward with the board, otherwise the board will just flip off in front of you and you won't be able to catch it.

It should all be one fluid motion. Pop, scoop, flick, jump, catch, roll away. When you can get all of this in one fluid motion, you need to work on style.

Common problems when learning these tricks are underflipping, overflipped, over rotating, under rotating and slipping out. These problems can be frustrating, but I'll try to give you some tips on how to overcome them.

Underflipping is where the board doesn't flip all the way and you land on the board upside down. To combat this problem, try putting your front foot more at an angle, but put it more on the board, as to get the problem flick of the front foot. Overflipping it is another problem, just put your front foot less on the board or just don't flick or kick as

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