
Kimberly Clark's Biggest Competitor

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Kimberly-Clark (KMB), founded in 1872, is an American personal care company that manufactures and distributes consumer packaged goods across the world. With approximately 43,000 employees worldwide and operations in 35 countries, they have become the second largest manufacturer of tissue and hygiene products globally (Kimberly Clark). They have five billion-dollar brands (Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Kotex, and Cottonelle) which are sold in more than 175 countries. Its primary customers are women, especially housewives, who buy cleaning products for their homes, diapers for their kids, and personal female hygiene products for themselves. The company has focuses heavily on its sustainability efforts and strives to build sustainability into every facet of their business (Marketing Daily). In terms of product distribution, they consolidated their supply chain and built 9 regional mega distribution centers, allowing them to save on fuel costs and improve their operational efficiency (Jamison, 2008). Kimberly-Clark’s biggest competitor is the conglomerate giant Procter & Gamble (PG). Although KMB and PG are very similar companies in terms of their product offerings and target markets, the companies vary greatly in terms of size and revenues. Procter & Gamble is much larger in scale and market share, and also has a higher presence internationally. With a market capitalization of $254.8 billion compared to $54.8 billion for KMB, Procter & Gamble dominates the industry.

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