
King Henry Viii's Life And Accomplishments

Decent Essays

King Henry VIII was born on the 28th of June 1491 in Greenwich. He was the second son of King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York and had three siblings; Arthur, Margaret and Mary.
At the age of 17, Henry married Catherine (his brother’s widow) and they were crowned King and Queen of England in Westminster Abbey.

In 1516, Queen Catherine gave birth to King Henry’s first child, Princess Mary. But Henry was mad because he wanted a male heir. By the time Catherine was 42 and unable to have a child he started seeing Anne Boleyn in secret. King Henry VIII still wanted a male heir so he needed to find a way to end his marriage with Catherine, but divorce wasn’t allowed in the Catholic Church. Then, Anne Boleyn became pregnant so Henry asked the Pope for an annulment but …show more content…

Anne Boleyn had failed to give him a son, so he became interested in one of her ladies in waiting, Jane Seymour. In an effort to get a divorce, Henry came up with a long story and lied about crimes Anne had committed. He accused her of adultery, incestory and plotting to kill him. In 1536 Anne was trailed and beheaded. The next day King Henry VIII married his third wife, Jane Seymour.

In 1537, Jane gave birth to the son King Henry VII had longed. His name was Edward. Unfortunately, Jane died nine days later because of an infection. Henry was heartbroken because she was his only ‘true wife’ and had produced a son for him. It took him three years to marry again.

Henry’s next wife was named Ann and was the sister of the Duke of Cleves. They had not met before marrying and Henry did not like her when they met. After six months they had divorced. Then he married Catherine Howard, the cousin to Anne Boleyn, but she was only 19 and he was 49. They were happy at first but after time she started to become more interested in men her own age, rather than Henry. She was guilty of adultery and was beheaded on the 13th of February

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