
King Henry's Roles

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Doomed Queen Anne Women have had many jobs in a marriage, each changing after centuries of evolution. One of the most extraordinary, though, was in the era of King Henry the eighth. With six wives, King Henry certainly has a good knowledge of marriage. The role, purpose, and place in marriage were all the same for each woman, as life was different in the 1500s than to the modern 2016. The woman’s roles was to help the king, get a decent husband, and serve the royal family. By helping the king, they would be able to gain the trust and faith of King Henry, possibly marrying him. If they did not catch the attention of King Henry, they would marry another in their class, undecided to them. Daughters of merchants and peasants would have a goal to try and marry a higher group of royalty, whereas daughters of royalty and noble folk would become “peace-treaties” to princes from other countries. For example, Queen (then known as Princess) Isabella of Castile wanted to marry Prince Ferdinand, but instead was intended to be married to Don Carlos, prince of Viana. This was because Isabella’s king brother Henry wanted to …show more content…

Though a royal child was a great celebration and honor, having a male heir was better having a female (back then, girls were considered lesser than boys). After women have, hopefully, given birth to a child, they cook and clean the house, unless you were queen. Woman under the queen had to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner and still clean the house between those times. Those that made the royal family’s meals probably had to make food for their families and themselves, while brushing their furniture. Another purpose of marriage is to have their children marry a higher family, slowly getting better and more powerful. Marriage was highly favored, and single women were sometimes even classified as witches. Being a big part of life, marriage has many purposes, as it was as prestigious as the

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