
King Lear Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Primarily, the ten commandments influenced character’s sins.
A notable example of a commandment that influenced character’s sins was the fifth commandment. It testified that, if one honoured their family, then they would have lived longer. However, if they didn’t, then they would face a consequence. First of all, in act III, scene IV Edgar mentions,
“Obey thy father” (King Lear III-IV 75). What that means is, to honour your father.Edmund, who broke a sin by dethroning his father Gloucester and, as a result Edmund was slain by his brother Edgar. Next, King Lear was betrayed by his three daughters. During act I, scene IV,
Lear said. “Degenerate bastard, I’ll not trouble thee. Yet have I left daughter.”
(Lear I IV 242-243). This advises us …show more content…

This indicates Cordelia is an ex-daughter of King Lear. King Lear reunites with Cordelia in act IV, scene VII, he mentions “Fourscore and upward, not an hour more nor less.And to deal plainly, I fear I am not in my perfect mind.Methinks I should know you and know this man.”(King Lear IV-VII 60-64).It proves that King Lear makes no mention of royalty or of tests to determine the depth of love. As performed in Act I. That shows that he is not the same “King Lear” as before. Subsequently, Kent who is, the right hand of King Lear, was exiled. Kent returns as “Caius” and nevertheless continues to serve King Lear despite being treated badly. It displays that Kent wants to redeem himself to King Lear and prove he isn’t a failure. In conclusion, redemption has altered character’s sins because of an action that had an immense impact on themselves which later, changed.

Dilatorily, Morality has influenced character’s sins, mostly because of character’s that weren’t respecting the upper classes who were high up in the chain of being. If not respected then, they will face a consequence. In act I scene, IV Oswald talks to King Lear and declares “My lady’s father” (King Lear I-IV 79-80). This displays that, Oswald is very disrespectful to the King of England and, subsequently was slain by Edgar. Another example of Morality is, Cornwall gouges Gloucester’s eyes. In act III, scene VII Cornwall mentions “See't shalt thou never.—Fellows hold the chair.— Upon these eyes of thine

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