
King Leopold 2 Research Paper

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The second king of Belgians, King Leopold II, were admired throughout European. He was first known for his generous and noble act, sacrificing his time and fortune to benefits the Africans. Of course, Edmund Dene Morel learned the truth behind King Leopold II’s practices of slave labors and eventually brought it to the public eyes. King Leopold II was able to keep the horrific practices of slavery murder, and mutilation of millions in the Congo hidden from the rest of the world for roughly two decades through propagandas. As stated on page 1, “ … the troop, it is said, fought, and defeated local slave-traders who preyed on the population, and for more than a decade European newspaper has praised him for investing his personal fortune in public works to benefit the Africans.” Newspaper bragging about King Leopold II’s selfless service to the Africans was preventing the people from seeing the truth about his true practices. …show more content…

The slaughter of millions in the Congo Free State around the turn of the twentieth century is not remembered as well and is not taught in history classes as much as other atrocities and genocides of the twentieth century because the Holocaust outshined the “other genocides” which is the reason why the subject entered the curricula, not everything is going to be covered. Another way I see it is that the “other genocides” are not close to America's cultural heritage. There are many people in America that have either direct or indirect connections to the Holocaust and there were not enough people who were affected by the “other

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