
King Leopold: The Belgian Congo

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King Leopold In 1853 Leopold turned eighteen and his father took him to Vienna since they had ties with the Austro-Hungarian empire which made him eager and was betrothed him to an eligible young Hapsburg, archduchess Marie-Henriette. This was a horrible match and would later cause to be a bad influence and would not help him out in the long run. 1390-1914 the Kingdom 0f Kongo Visual tradition of this country’s early history was set in a writing for the first time in the sixteenth century. The most comprehensive writings were recorded I’m the mid seventeenth century, including ones written by the capuchin missionary, Giovanni Cavazzi Da Montecuccolo. First Congo president The Congo president was Joseph Kasavubu (born 1910?, Tshela, Belgian Congo [now Democratic Republic of the Congo]—died March 24, 1969, Boma), statesman and first president of the independent Congo republic from 1960 to 1965, who shortly after independence in 1960 ousted the Congo’s first premier, Patrice Lumumba, after the breakdown of order in the country. …show more content…

Lumumba was born in the village of Onalua in Kasai province, Belgian Congo. In 1955 Lumumba became regional president of a purely Congolese trade union of government employees that was not affiliated, as were other unions, to either of the two Belgian trade-union federations (socialist and Roman Catholic). In October 1958 he, along with other Congolese leaders, launched the Congolese National Movement (Mouvement National Congolais; MNC), the first nationwide Congolese political party. The Belgian authorities responded with repression. Lumumba was imprisoned on a charge of inciting to riot. Lumumba was thereupon released from prison and flown to

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