
Kingdom Of God Analysis

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Kingdom of God The third motif, kingdom of God, is multi-layered and difficult to define in a few sentences. Frequently described by some as the end of times or yet to come (Matthew 6:10), others look at it as the here and now (Luke 17:21). Several more contradictions describing it include: 1) it does not consist of talk (1Corinthians 4:20) but it must be proclaimed (Luke 4:43); 2) it is in the world but not of it (John 18:36); and lastly, 3) it belongs to the least (Matthew 11:11) and are greater than the greatest in it [Matthew 18:1-4] (Moreau, Corwin, & McGee, 2014, p. 81). Closely connected with the kingdom of God, mission deals with these same paradoxes. Frequently, what may look chaotic to believers is successful mission because God’s timing and establishment has left its mark in today’s world. For example, the weak are empowered to accomplish what is deemed impossible for the strong, the love of Christ wins over even the worst of enemies, and the active work of missionaries cannot overlook the quiet workings of the Spirit as it changes the hearts of those around the world. The kingdom of God threads through the central themes because of evangelism it grows and represents Christlike attitudes of love and service (Moreau, Corwin, & McGee, 2014, p. 81).
The fourth and final motif considered is the church. As Jesus calls his first disciples to follow him (Matthew 4:18-21) drawing a parallel with God’s calling of Israel as His people. God’s establishment of the

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