
Knee Replacement Case Study

Decent Essays

001015 Mr. ___ [NAME] is a 49-year-old white male, a patient of Dr. ___ [NAME], with a history of right knee replacement x 4, secondary to a gunshot wound in ___ [DATE]. Left knee, he has had multiple surgeries, primarily on the ligaments and I understand the meniscus. Also has right hip pain. The hip is probably related to his difficulty with the right knee. He has chronic pain in the knees. He has a need for testosterone as his labs are very low. PTSD, (___) anxiety. Really here today to follow up on the testosterone. Lab was drawn; other results are not yet available. His non-fasting glucose today was 106 and the hemoglobin A1c that was done was 5.9. He does have some history of hyperglycemia, but I think there were primarily non-fasting, he may just have some glucose intolerance. Complains primarily of knee pain and right hip pain. He is having erectile dysfunction, was given Viagra, and when he saw the urologist he was told that he needed testosterone, as it was quite low at 1.8. …show more content…

Blood pressure is a little bit low at 84/68. Heart rate is a little bit rapid, but his knees positive (dorsi aling) both. Right is particularly bad, it is extremely loose. The left is also quite loose, but perhaps not as bad the right. There is a lump on the right hip. I do not know if it is not fitting entirely into the socket or if it is just swelling, but it certainly must be difficult for him to

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