
Knowledge To Present Day And In What Circumstances Would Someone Change The Responsibility They Have For Others?

Decent Essays

Everyone who has witnessed history has the responsibility to be a messenger to the future, in hopes of not repeating the past. The responsibility that someone carries for themselves or for other people depends on what someone does not want or the situation. History happens every moment, therefor everyone is a witness to history. The real question is if people apply that knowledge to present day and in what circumstances would someone change the responsibility they have for others?
Responsibility is a major part in people’s lives, it regulates the actions you take; as in if you are a parent, you would not drive recklessly because you know that you have the responsibility of your children. With every action you take, you have to keep in mind that not only do you have the responsibility for yourself, but also for others. Everyone carries responsibility for other people, but it depends on how much responsibility someone …show more content…

It is your responsibility to be a messenger to humanity after you have witnessed history, but some people would rather choose to not carry that responsibility of changing the future. Others would carry the responsibility of helping humanity because they would not want to repeat the past. In the discussed genocides, multiple situations were repeated, as in mass killings based on race or religion. Citizens could have looked at the past genocides and informed other people about them, as in how other victims fought back or what happened that stopped the killings. That would have been the use of both responsibility and being a messenger to humanity. Another example is in Terrible Things when the bunny witnessed the history that took place when the Terrible Things came and took all the animals except him because he hid. The bunny then realized that he now had the responsibility to help other animals before the Terrible Things came for them. The bunny once again used history and responsibility to shape the

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