
Definition Essay Responsibility

Decent Essays

Responsibility Page 1

What is the meaning of Responsibility?
Definition Essay

Karen Bannan
Writing 101
Professor Leone
January 30, 2011

Responsibility Page 2

The ultimate word in life is “responsibility”. What is responsibility you ask? Responsibility is “doing the right thing”. Doing the right thing means living a life where every move or decision you make is all your own and you do things that will not harm others. It is a moral belief that as individuals we must behave ethical and be accountable for our actions, and be conscious of our decisions and the impact it has on society. In today’s world I believe we have even more responsibilities then our ancestors. If we do not take responsibility for our actions …show more content…

So many people believe freedom means you have the right to do as you please, however, that is not 100% true. As soon as you stop taking responsibility for what you do in life, it is almost certain you will be doing things that will be harmful to others. This is why it is so important to have laws that society must abide by. As an example, let’s say you are having a get together and you have you stereo on a little too loud. To you and the people attending your party the music is just fine, but to your neighbors it is entirely too loud and disruptive. Wouldn’t you be a responsible person if you made sure that the music was loud enough for you and your guests to enjoy, but not too loud that it would annoy your neighbors? Responsibility Page 4

When one recognizes that they are 100% responsible for their life, they will soon see the great achievements that come with being a responsible person. Responsibility is a very valuable trait in all that we do. Taking responsibility for one’s self leads to a more optimistic life and one is able to accomplish all that they want. Sometimes taking responsibility can be a very difficult thing, but in the end one is usually happy that they did. If one chose’s to lead an irresponsible life, they will soon see that they will be living a much uncontrolled life and therefore grow to be very pessimistic. One’s health is also affected by the choices one makes. When we choose

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