
Kobe Bryant Accomplishments

Decent Essays

What do most people, especially aspiring individuals, crave? The answer, in short, is fame. Many long for the glamorous title and leadership of their craft. However, once they achieve their goals, they find themselves searching for more. These individuals are not satisfied with their newfound life and instead yearn for world dominance. They wish to have the entire world know who they are and to transcend into an entirely new era of their careers. Transcendence is when a person has an impact outside of his or her field, mainly applicable to celebrities. For example, a singer may attempt to go beyond their music career by stepping foot into an acting career. While many attempt to transcend, it is hard to step out of your comfort zone and start …show more content…

When one possesses said trait, it makes an individual have more courage and hope and makes them feel confident in their skin. Being encouraging others can have an enormous impact on one’s life and is something that can lead one directly onto the paved path towards transcendence. This is evident in the case of the late basketball star, Kobe Bryant. He was a world-renowned basketball player who was highly skilled at his craft. Bryant was always hardworking and resilient in his games, and he was an important figure to fans of all ages and races. Because of his hard work ethic, he became a source of inspiration for many aspiring individuals, not just basketball players. Twenty-one-year-old Eddie Lugo, a nurse who is also a Kobe superfan, says that because of Kobe, he pushed himself to do his absolute best and not give up during his years in nursing school. He goes on to say, “Because of him, I’m a dog on the field, on the court, on the road. I just grind because of Kobe.” It is shown clearly that Eddie talks passionately about how Kobe helped him work harder than he could have ever. Kobe helped him keep going and taught him to work hard and create a future for himself. The same goes with talk show host Oprah Winfrey, who is world-renowned for her wholesome content and how she showcases individuals of all backgrounds and races. Despite facing criticism based on her looks rather than her content, she still makes it clear that she intends to transform the entertainment industry as a whole by being uplifting and providing courage for all audiences. The article, The Colorblind Screen: Television in Post-Racial America, states, “...the queen of talk set out to forge a relationship with her predominantly white, female, middle-class followers whose legendary devotion to her would come to stand as proof that racism was being eclipsed.” Therefore, Oprah transcends because she makes everyone feel represented and seen. She

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