
How Does Koko's Ability To Manipulate Their World

Decent Essays

Essay Answer Review for the films about ‘Koko’ and ‘Kanzi’

-What did you think of these films?
Answer: I was honestly blown away. Time and time again we have heard that apes are very intelligent creatures, but I have never fully understood how smart they are. I was intrigued by not only the caretaker’s dedication to teaching, but Koko and Kanzi willingness to learn. It is fascinating that apes have the ability to learn how to communicate. I think a lot of times we just believe animals are incoherent, but it might just be us that can’t comprehend their intelligence.

-What (if anything) did you learn from the films that you did not gain from reading the text or listening to the class lecture?
Answer: I don’t think I necessarily learned anything …show more content…

She is able to form sentences and express emotions, that isn’t imitating. If she was imitating it wouldn’t be put together in different orders to communicate different things. Imitating is repetitive and for the most part in the same order, Koko doesn’t do that. Koko can comprehend when she is being spoken to and be able to give a logical in return.

-If you think that Koko has only been imitating her trainers, how do you feel about the claims made by some humanists that “imitation is exactly what human children do in order to manipulate their world”?
Answer: I don’t believe that she is imitating. She might have started out that way, but that saying is right kids learn by imitating. Just as children learn the meaning of what they are saying and doing so does koko. As children grow up the learn to form and express themselves. Koko is just like children.

-How do you feel Sue Savage-Rumbaugh’s work with Kanzi the bonobo compares to the work done by Penny Patterson?
Answer: They both are able to showcase the intelligence that apes have. It is hard to see as much intelligence in Kanzi because we didn’t get to see a video of him actually doing what Sue said he can do, but by what she explained he and Koko are both able to communicate. Kanzi shows us how apes are able to understand pictures, while Koko shows how apes can learn sign

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